Privacy Policy

Who we are? is the brainchild of "Crazy" Frank Anderson, head bottle washer at KBACK Rock Radio. Launched after numerous Facebook suspensions for nonsenseical "Community Standard" violations and designed to be a place where a person can freely express themselves, provided it's not with pornography, hate speech, or any other legally prohibited nonsense. 

What information do we collect?

Generally the only information we collect is your name, your age, in some cases the system will attempt to determine your general geographical location, your age to determine if you're old enough to be in a place like this.. you know the basics.

How do we use personal information?

Personal data collected is used largely to identify you and to help keep multiple or "strawman" accounts from prolifierating. Eventually that data may be used to determine what sorts of ads are displayed. For instance, if you're a 40 year old man you may not find ads for tampons particularly useful. does not and will not sell user data or information for any reason.