About OutZyte.com
The social media alternative, OutZyte.com is where free thinkers and free speakers can share and exchange ideas.

What is OutZyte.com?

Quite simply, I got tired of constantly getting thrown in Facebook jail for stupid reasons. For a meme I posted 2 years ago to suddenly "Violate Community Standards" that are anything but "standard" and now I can't post for 30 days? There has gotta be a better way. That's why I started this website. 

WTF is an "OutZyte"?

I needed a name for the website. I spent the better part of an afternoon looking for available domain names that made some sort of sense. I liked the idea of "Time Out" because that's what I felt Facebook jail was.. a sort of "Time Out". Since that domain (and variations of that theme were taken) I thought I'd search for the term in othe languages. In German "Time Out" is "Auszeit" which is pronounced "OutZyte". Kinda. Close enough anyway.